The Nurses: A Year of Secrets, Drama, and Miracles with the Heroes of the Hospital
by Alexandra Robbins
I didn’t know what I expected when I purchased this book for free, but what I read wasn’t what I expected.
I have to think that I had expected a journey through nursing focusing on the nurses and their relationship with other nurses, medicine, and life.
Instead, the author followed four fictionalized composites of four nurses working under different circumstances. If these had been actual people discussing their circumstances, then I probably could have enjoyed it a bit more. But fictionalized composites leave me feeling cheated because they can be manipulated to tell what ever story the author wants.
I’m sure there are those who would enjoy this book immensely but I’m not one of them. I give this book 3/5 stars. It was fairly well-written, but I can’t say I thought this was a good use of my reading time.
(Review posted 27 November, 2016)