The Deadly Dinner Party: and Other Medical Detective Stories
Jonathan A. Edlow, M.D.
The Deadly Dinner Party: and Other Medical Detective Stories by Jonathan A. Edlow, M.D. is a true worthy successor to Berton Roueche. Accept no substitutes! This book is the real deal!
In all seriousness, The Deadly Dinner Party is exactly how Berton Roueche would have approached the subjects covered here with the introduction of the patients and their sickness; the doctors who uncovered the medical mystery, the history behind the disease in question; the treatment and aftermath. Pure Roueche at his finest.
I feel that I’m giving Dr Edlow short shift, but I guess I’m not.
This is the bottom line: If you love Berton Roueche you’ll love Jonathan Edlow. It’s as simple as that.
This is a solid 4.9 stars. Why not five? ‘coz only Berton Roueche deserves five for any tales of medical detection.
(Reviewed 09 March, 2014)