Oh, Nurse!: One Man’s Journey Through the Nursing Life, a Personal Account of the Highs and Lows
by David Daniels, R.N.
[I received a copy of this book in exchange of an unbiased view.]
Oh…. Boy…
It really hurts me to write a review that is barely positive, but alas, this is where I found myself as I was reading the book.
It is the story of a male nurse, when they weren’t as many as there are these days, making his way through a female-dominated job. I found the book pretty easy to read but in great need of a copy-editor who could tamp down the author’s tendency to over-use exclamation points and generally tighten up the story-telling.
Other than the fact that the author felt he was an excellent nurse (of that I have no doubt), I just didn’t get an understanding of who he really was and that would have greatly improved his story.
Can I recommend this book? I’m not sure it will be all that interesting to a general audience, but I’m sure that those who are interested in becoming nurses or are in the profession might find it of interest.
I give this book 2 stars. Read other reviews and see if this is your kind of book.
[review posted 21 April 2019]