Operating Room Confidential: What Really Goes On When You Go Under
by Paul Whang, M.D.
The only thing I didn’t like about this book was the title. I was fully expecting some salacious stories of hospital personnel banging away on operating tables — after all, the author’s last name is Whang -g-. Instead, I found myself reading a thoughtful book on what anesthesiologists actually do: making sure that you are comfortable during an operation and wake up (as opposed to not waking up).
I really enjoyed this book because I hadn’t read about anesthesiology except as an after-thought in some books. I loved being able to fully understand what they do and how important it really is.
It’s an easy book to read (one that was hard to put down) — well written and fascinating as well. Kudos to Dr Whang for such an enjoyable book. But how about ditching the title, eh?
I give this book 4.5 solid stars — well worth a read!
[posted 21 April 2019]