A Surgeon’s Lessons, Learned and Lost
by John Raffensperger, MD
[note: I was given a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review]
I really enjoyed this book.
It took me on a tour of a young surgeon through his days in a public hospital to his war time adventures to the cultivation of a senior pediatric surgeon.
It was a wild ride and an enjoyable one.
Through Dr Raffensperger’s eyes, I could see how medicine had changed through the decades from a more doctor centric (for good or ill) to a more business centric.
I really enjoy books that can take me on the journey and cause me to understand why things changed the way they did.
If I had any complaints is that in his discussing of complex heart problems, I would have loved seeing a diagram. But that’s a seriously minor quibble.
This is a great book if you enjoy reading medical biographies or how healthcare has changed.
Rating: 4.0 stars
[posted 02/02/2020]